Knicks & Knacks

Tomb of Tin [Dungeon]

It has been a minute since I last posted something. I made the decision to work on a number of RPG-related things all at once. This has taken time, but all of them should be nearing completion roughly synchronously, so expect more frequent posting for the near future.

Anyways, I made a dungeon. I decided to make a dungeon upon advice of those wiser than I. I don't know when I will get around to playing it; however, in creating it and sharing it, it can at least be used by others even I don't touch it for weeks/months (which, with where my life is right now, may be the case).

I would explain what this dungeon entails, but I already did in the past when I wrote the dungeon. The introduction is the first page of the document, so I'll let past me explain it to you instead.

Here ya go: Tomb of Tin

Feedback is always appreciated. It's been years since I've either ran or played in a game, so I'm very rusty. Any advice is probably good advice and it'll help improve both this dungeon and any others I make in the future.

Also, even though we are halfway though December, I'm still open to ideas for future posts. I decided to nix the deadline.