Knicks & Knacks

Roll Cat

Roll Cat

If you suddenly feel like your carrying extra weight, then later hear soft purring from your pack, chances are you have a roll cat. Roll cats are small creatures, roughly the size of a kitten, that seek the softest, snuggliest spot to sleep. If they aren’t sleeping, they are looking for the best place to sleep. And usually for these wild creatures, that is the adventurer’s bedroll. Once they are snuggled in, they sleep, and are content to do so forever.

Surprisingly, they are not stingy or territorial with their comfy spot and often those with roll cats keep them while traveling. Roll cats are soft to the touch and those who sleep with a roll cat on their bedroll always awake well rested. Strangely enough, for their small size, they are heavy little things. So heavy they have been known to cause packs to break. Even stranger, a roll cat will never sleep on a normal bed; only one that can be rolled up around them like a pillowy hug.